Thursday, June 16, 2011

San Sebastian, I will never leave you!

Day 15

San Sebastian!!!

In the morning we set the alarm and watched the running of the bulls for the san fermin festivals in Pamplona. We had breakfast at a bar near the square, I gagged forty times on this gross bread thing I decided to have, it did not help me start the day off well. I found a donut on the way to the museum however and was very satisfied, you know those donuts with the sugar all over them, it was like that but had chocolate on it too! We got to the Guggenheim and started looking around, most of it was modern art which really isn’t my thing but it was cool to see. I liked the Louve better. After the Guggenheim we went to the bus station to get to San Sebastian, a bus didn’t leave for hours so we hung out, we really needed food but Spain is retarted. Unlike in US, everyone is on the same schedule. In reno everything is open all the time because some people eat lunch at 11 others at 12 others at 2 ect. Ect. But here lunch is at 2:30 so at 12:00 you can find nothing to eat. We finally found sandwiches in a bread shop, thank god. We got to San Sebastian and was going to call Ian’s friend but she was at surfing class when we got there, we walked around until we found a pension that was open. We hung out there for a while and then called. Her name is Christie and she is absolutely gorgeous, she goes to UNR but has been studying in San Sebastian for months now. She lives with her boyfriend and some other roommates from Chico and one from somewhere else. Everyone was really nice. We hungout at their apartment for a little while until they started to eat dinner, we felt bad intruding so I said I wanted to take a shower (which was true) and that we’d meet up with them later. We went to Telepizza which is the only place in spain open every hour of the day-through our whole trip of three days we ate there three times haha. I took a shower and felt much better. We went back to their apartment, more people showed up and we went to a local irish pub called Molly McGee’s it was fun we mostly just drank and talked but it was nice meeting new people and hearing about their experiences in San Sebastian. At first I thought it would be really cool to study there but no one ever speaks Spanish, the girls that we met actually dropped all their Spanish classes and are just taking surfing lessons, I’d want to come home and feel like I learned something, you can party anywhere and have fun but that is all they do here. We started walking to some other clubs on the way walking we lost just about all of Christie’s friends, so it ended up being just Christie, Ian, Nayla and I. We danced for a long time at a club named Bebop and Nayla seriously met her future husband. He’s from Holland and was just Nayla’s type. His friends were really nice too. When we were done we walked Christie back to her apartment and then went to the pension for some sleep.

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