Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Colors of a Market: Photo Journey of a Thai Food Market

When I enter the busy Boriboon food market in Chiang Mai I am overcome with the simultaneous emotions of exploration and passion combined with shear and utter fear that I'll miss something, I'll pass something great for no other reason than my mind was not quick enough to grasp all my surroundings. My eyes are searching and scanning, gasping at the completely foreign items that explode each sense. 

I find myself in utter curiosity about such oddities that surround me. It's only when a Thai woman says, "Sabaaydi mi ka?" do I realize that I've been staring at a cucumber the size of my calf for several strange seconds deep in thoughts about how all my previous knowledge about cucumbers has been destroyed by this single moment in the Thai food market. I stop in complete fascination in such a small idea. I laugh, "They're vegetables, Donielle, hold yourself together." 

"Chinese" apples ,very fresh watery taste perfect for these hot days!

Dragon fruit! I said to myself, "There is no way that something with a name like dragon fruit could taste bad!" haha I stand corrected. Not my favorite.

Some foods will always be a mystery. This exotic fruit is be continued.

The mangos here are incredible, I try to eat some weekly, I never ever want to not be eating a mango.

Papayas are often eaten unripe like in Spicy Papaya Salad

Interesting enough there are not many oranges here but many tangerines! When you buy orange juice here you'll be surprised by the taste because it's made from tangerines!

Large selection of potato and squash chips

I love coconut.  If we really are what we eat than I want to eat more coconut. Coconuts are delicious. I want a friend of mine to be at a dinner party and say,"You should really meet my friend, Donielle" "What's she like?" "Well, I don't know, I guess you'd say she has a delicious kind of personality, like that of a coconut." "Wow, she sounds great, I love coconut." One day...

Food is sometimes wrapped and cooked inside of a banana leaf to give it great flavor! Yum!

The meat section, yes, I no longer eat beef and only limited pork. Haha bacon doesn't I look like I have that kind of discipline? No.

Yummy greens!

Yes, those are milliworms. My friend tried one, although I personally was not brave enough. After chewing on the substance my eyes peeled on his face waiting for a wince or a gag. He only replied, "huh, not my favorite." He said they tasted fried on the outside but soft in the middle. Yeah, I'll pass.
Thailand also has great mushrooms! I used to hate mushrooms. But that was when I was in America, I feel like I don't even know that person anymore. She didn't like mushrooms? No friend of mine...

What would Thailand be without the infamous peppers? You hate them, you love them, it doesn't really matter, you'll never escape them.

Longest string beans ever. ever.

You've never had a banana. You've never had a banana if you didn't have one in Thailand. There are over 100 varieties of native bananas which is mind blowing. You could eat a new banana everyday for over three months!! New bucket list goal? Yes.
Now that's organic chicken.
I told you that cucumber was the size of my calf! dude, if that doesn't blow your mind, I don't know what will.

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