Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kutna Hora: A Morbid Beauty

The Bone Chapel (Cistercian Monastery) contains bones of some 40,000 medieval plague victims which are arranged into various shapes decorating the Chapel. Including a chandelier of bones and the coat of arms of the Schwarzenberg noble family. Turns out some guy spread dust from the holy land around the chapel and so everybody and their brother wanted to be buried there. What do they do when the graveyard fills up and there's a waiting list for six inches deep? They dig up the bodies and decorate! HGTV's got nothing on this designer. Completely morbid and fantastic the skulls are everywhere and just being inside puts those hairs on the back of your neck on edge. What a creepy and glorious creation.
Outside View of the Bone Chapel

Every entrance needs some uplifting decorations to set the mood of the house.

Your centerpiece should be shocking and force eyes upward: this will make your ceilings look taller and therefore your house bigger.

Be sure to include your family crest in your creation: A house is made a home by the things inside that represent us

It's fun to add nature elements to any house. See how this bird who eats out  the eyes of a man ? Birds are great accents to any home!

Also in Kutna Hora is the Museum of Silver which portrays the entire process of the extraction of silver and production of silver coins. It includes a 250 meter long walk through the mining shaft built between the 14th and 15th century. Sad part- apparently its not safe to go in the mines intoxicated (who knew?) so the museum robbed us of our day drinking! Still a very good tour though, such a weird sensation crawling in the darkness, I don't think I could ever be a miner. Great day trip from Prague!

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