Friday, April 27, 2012


As the title implies the last few days I have been feeling a little homesick. It's weird because I haven't been  homesick for the past 3 months. Even my worst days here I never wished I was someplace else. It's not that I don't have a lot to miss; my family, my dog and my friends (not always in that order!). I have a great life at home but I never really missed it until now. Maybe it was seeing my sister last weekend that triggered it but now I can't stop listening to country music that reminds me of my hometown and craving ridiculous foods that I've never cared for before. By no means am I going to wish the next few weeks away and I love every minute of every day I spend here but at the same time I think when I go home I'll be happy to be home.

Here are some of the things I've been craving:

Driving: Long drives alone listening to music and singing along
Gym: Putting in a good run to get the day started
Television: Relaxing on the couch with family or my dog Sugar
Tahoe: I need my lake
Cheetos: I have never craved Cheetos but I definitely am here! You always miss what you can't have!
Spices: Gulosh is about the blandest thing ever-right up there with water and that gross fish
Hugs: I've never been a hugger but I just need a big hug-preferably by a massive teddy bear or dad.
Art Store: I can barely leave Michael's without bringing home three more art projects, I am missing not being able to be creative here (in the way I am used to being creative)
English: I mostly miss eavesdropping on other people's conversations
Shopping List: I miss putting an item on a piece of paper clipped to the fridge and having it appear in the cupboard days later. (Thanks mom!)
Grass: The smell of just cut beautiful think grass, crazy right?

Obviously there are tons of things I will miss from here that I'll crave when I get back home and I'm sure it will be just as random. Sad face.

1 comment:

Terry @ La Bella Vie said...

Well now... this is just about the most heart felt post girl! We always miss what we know and what's comfortable to us and that in itself tells us we're matter where you go, always remember from whence you came...
Many hugs dear friend,
PS Love the new bigger pictures, I feel like I'm there traveling with
