Day 9
Bull Fights and Transvestites, only in Spain!
Today we got up and went to the Plaza de Toros which is where they do the bull fights. We got there at like 10 and just hung out a little. On our way there Nayla and Ian mentioned that everyone dresses up I got worried because I didn’t look nice enough-little did I know they meant costumes, everyone dresses up in costumes. All the guys that we had hung out with last night were dressed up in short wedding dresses, they had fishnet tights and wigs. It was so funny, other people were dressed as nuns, lifeguards, cartoon characters and other things. It is strange here because all the guys dress up as women, I am not sure if they are more open to cross-dressing or just love the attention. Ian bought a dress too and a wig and wore it all day. I hate crowds, I hate crowds because I hate people and crowds are just lots of loud, sweaty, drunk people-the worst kind. It got hot-really hot, I was in my peto and felt disgusting. We started to make our way into the plaza to see the bull fight. In the plaza you can go up to the bleachers or stay in the coral-when a bull dies all the people rush into the plaza and just dance and hang out until the next bull fight is ready. Ian thought it would be a good idea to go in the coral. I was so gross just hot and sweaty and then people were spilling drinks and had water guns filled with wine to shoot you with. When we first made our way into the coral this guy dressed as a cowboy behind me started squirting me in the back. I tried to ignore him but he kept doing it for like 30 seconds right on my neck and in my hair. I turned around and finally grabbed the damn gun from him, I should have hit him with it, I wanted to say something but he wouldn’t understand anyway, I started squirting him in the face with it. So I was already mad because it was hot and gross, I hate wine in my hair and all over and now I was going to be forced to watch a bull die-it was not a good way to start the morning. I have super mixed feelings about the bull fighting. In my opinion if I was a bull I would not want to be made a spectacle of or have my death be entertainment for a bunch of drunk people. You should see the bull, he looks so confused and scared. I wouldn’t want to die asking what is happening, you know? But here they believe that the bull dies a valiant death because he fights til he dies and takes out as many people as he can. Ian said he would rather die fighting than get shot in the head like they do in meat factories in America. He also says that in most places there is a huge respect for the bull, they lead really great lives, are given names and are honored before and after the fight. But that’s not what I saw today. All in all, I think the matter can only be solved if you asked the bull- we are going to eat you, do you want us to shoot you and die quickly or die fighting in a plaza full of people watching? Anyway though, we finally got out of the damn coral when it opened and went up to the stone bleachers. I watched the first part when they did the artistic portion of it but put my eyes down and didn’t watch when they started stabbing it (they do that so they can weaken it for the real matador who does the final kill). I guess some guy came out and grabbed one of the things out of the bull, the bull got him pretty bad-I wish he killed him, I wish the bull killed all of them- I know that's bad to say but I am rooting for the bull!! Ian and Nayla were ok leaving before the real matador came out-I didn’t want to see anything by mistake. We made our way to the park where we met Kerri and Cesar for coke (I have been drinking a lot of coke) and tapas. It was amazing to see the difference, two blocks away there are at least 1000 people in the streets and here older people are in a quiet setting enjoying lunch. Afterwards Nayla and I went back to the piso to shower and rest. It was so tiring and I didn’t want to do anything but sleep.
That night Cesar and Kerri took us all out to dinner. I forgot what I had but I remember being stuffed! The place was called Don Quiote and I would go back just for the rum cake I had for dessert. Nayla and I went to the park to meet up with her friends, we sat in the grass again and drank and talked-I didn’t drink much and I definitely didn’t talk. It got more fun though when we met up with the boys, Ian’s cousin Javier came and was so funny. He is a giant goofball and knows some English so I never feel left out. Jim went home pretty early, he took the keys and said he would let us in (the cell phone doesn’t work so there is minimal communication). When Nayla and I decided to go home we rang the bell for at least 20 minutes and no answer. We had to go all the way back to the discotecha to get Ian and get the other set of keys. When we finally got back Jim was passed out on the bed and apparently didn’t hear anything. When we finally got in, I took a shower and crashed. One of the phrases I learned last week was Estas Como un Tren (you are like a train). Nayla, Ian and I all thought it meant like your handsome or you’re built. I said it to Javier and he looks really blushed and embarrassed and he says to me, you have a boyfriend. I was confused and say yes but I can still tell you youre handsome. Apparently, Estas Como un Tren means something similar to I want to make out with you. I was so embarrassed but Javier was a really good sport about it and just makes fun of me for it. Once he explained it to us we all laughed. I have to admit I was more than a little embarrassed and I didn’t want him to think I liked him! Funny the things that get lost in translation. The other day a boy told nayla in Spanish that she dropped her paper, Nayla and I were confused and started looking all around us. We found out later that that means he thinks she’s cute and that she dropped her wrapper- like she is sweet like a candy bar and has come out of her shell (or wrapper) lol. The things you learn!

That night Cesar and Kerri took us all out to dinner. I forgot what I had but I remember being stuffed! The place was called Don Quiote and I would go back just for the rum cake I had for dessert. Nayla and I went to the park to meet up with her friends, we sat in the grass again and drank and talked-I didn’t drink much and I definitely didn’t talk. It got more fun though when we met up with the boys, Ian’s cousin Javier came and was so funny. He is a giant goofball and knows some English so I never feel left out. Jim went home pretty early, he took the keys and said he would let us in (the cell phone doesn’t work so there is minimal communication). When Nayla and I decided to go home we rang the bell for at least 20 minutes and no answer. We had to go all the way back to the discotecha to get Ian and get the other set of keys. When we finally got back Jim was passed out on the bed and apparently didn’t hear anything. When we finally got in, I took a shower and crashed. One of the phrases I learned last week was Estas Como un Tren (you are like a train). Nayla, Ian and I all thought it meant like your handsome or you’re built. I said it to Javier and he looks really blushed and embarrassed and he says to me, you have a boyfriend. I was confused and say yes but I can still tell you youre handsome. Apparently, Estas Como un Tren means something similar to I want to make out with you. I was so embarrassed but Javier was a really good sport about it and just makes fun of me for it. Once he explained it to us we all laughed. I have to admit I was more than a little embarrassed and I didn’t want him to think I liked him! Funny the things that get lost in translation. The other day a boy told nayla in Spanish that she dropped her paper, Nayla and I were confused and started looking all around us. We found out later that that means he thinks she’s cute and that she dropped her wrapper- like she is sweet like a candy bar and has come out of her shell (or wrapper) lol. The things you learn!
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